Who Can Patent Nature? The Seeds of Life, Crafted for Our Needs!

Nature is not a human creation. It is the essence of life, the foundation of existence. Yet, humans have dared to claim ownership over seeds—the very symbols of life—through patents. This audacious act of control marks the beginning of destruction. By patenting what belongs to all, we have set ourselves on a path of greed, manipulation, and eventual suffering.
The Rise of GMO Seeds: A Path to Chaos
The advent of genetically modified organisms (GMOs) has disrupted the natural balance of our world. These seeds, designed for pest resistance, have paved the way for pest-resistant diseases that now rage within us. The soil, once a living organism, is stripped of its vitality. Crops that thrive in harmony with microbes are replaced by those dependent on synthetic chemicals.
The gut—our internal universe—mirrors the ecosystems we’ve destroyed. As we poison the soil, we poison ourselves. The intricate symbiosis that once sustained life is now replaced by dependency on corporations that thrive on our suffering. GMO seeds have halted the natural flow of coexistence, creating a world where humans are mere vessels, controlled by external inputs like pesticides, medicines, and greed.
The Illusion of Progress
Modern medicine boasts of extending human life from 40 to 70 years, but this comes at an unimaginable cost. We are not healthier. We are dependent. Diseases are silenced, not cured. Our bodies, creations of infinite complexity, are reduced to lab experiments. Scientists observe the universe through fragmented lenses: microscopes revealing microcosms and telescopes uncovering the vast cosmos. Yet, these lenses only provide glimpses of the whole. True understanding lies beyond these fragments, in the infinite complexities of life that we are only beginning to grasp. Humanity’s arrogance blinds it to the fact that it is tampering with a system far beyond its comprehension.
A Cycle of Fear and Greed
Human survival instincts, rooted in fear, have become tools for exploitation. Corporations, empowered by political greed, manipulate our insecurities, creating a reality where we are trapped. Leaders who should protect us instead endorse these harmful systems, their pockets lined with profits. Resistance is crushed. Surveillance tools like Pegasus are wielded to silence dissent and monitor those who dare to question. In this web of control, humanity is reduced to a mere pawn, a lab rat for the experiments of the powerful.
The Spiritual Truth: A World of Maya
In Hindu philosophy, the Kali Yuga is an age of illusion and darkness. It speaks of a force that instills fear, promising salvation while driving humanity toward destruction. This force, marked by ego and ignorance, reflects the current state of humanity—trapped in a Maya world that masks suffering with the illusion of prosperity. Goodness is met with resistance. Greed blinds individuals, turning them against those who strive for light and truth. Such is the depth of human suffering today: a world where destruction thrives under the guise of progress.
The Call to Reclaim Harmony
The solution lies not in sweetness but in truth. Humanity must awaken to the knowledge buried beneath the noise of greed. We must reconnect with the natural order, respecting the microbial and pest ecosystems that sustain life. True progress isn’t about control; it’s about coexistence. The universe within us mirrors the universe outside. To heal one, we must heal the other. Humanity’s survival depends not on artificial inputs but on restoring the balance we’ve disrupted. This is not a plea—it’s a demand for awareness. The lenses we’ve used to understand the world are limited. It’s time to step beyond fragments and embrace the infinite complexities of life. Only then can we break free from the cycle of suffering and reclaim our place as stewards of a thriving, harmonious world.
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